Award Criteria

Icon : Sustainable company of the year

Sustainable company of the year

This category is designed to recognise organisations that push the boundaries in an effort to create an environmentally friendly and affordable solution to an existing potentially polluting product.

The judges will give credit for evidence of positive, value adding results that make innovative use of otherwise wasted resources, through; for example, the use of a previously regarded waste product into a new useful product.

Initiatives will also be rewarded for addressing energy, water and general ecological footprinting as well as wider concerns around food and waste.

The Sustainable Company of the Year award recognises a company in the UK cleaning and hygiene sector that has demonstrated exceptional commitment to sustainability practices, environmental responsibility, and social impact. This category celebrates companies that have incorporated sustainable principles into their operations, products, and corporate culture, leading the way in creating a greener and more sustainable future.

Criteria for this category may include:

  1. Environmental Stewardship: Assessment of the company's efforts to minimise its environmental footprint and promote sustainable practices. This includes initiatives such as energy conservation, waste reduction and recycling programmes, responsible water usage, and efforts to mitigate climate change.
  2. Sustainable Product Offerings: Recognition of the company's commitment to developing and offering sustainable cleaning and hygiene products. This includes products that are eco-friendly, non-toxic, biodegradable, or made from recycled or renewable materials.
  3. Supply Chain Sustainability: Evaluation of the company's commitment to sustainable sourcing and responsible supply chain management. This includes partnerships with suppliers who adhere to ethical and sustainable practices, promoting fair trade, and reducing the carbon footprint throughout the supply chain.
  4. Corporate Social Responsibility: Consideration of the company's social impact and engagement with the community. This includes initiatives such as supporting local charities, promoting employee volunteerism, and investing in social causes that align with sustainable development goals.
  5. Employee Engagement and Well-being: Assessment of the company's efforts to promote employee well-being and engagement in sustainability practices. This includes training programmes, awareness campaigns, and initiatives that empower employees to contribute to sustainable practices both within the workplace and in their personal lives.
  6. Transparency and Reporting: Recognition of the company's commitment to transparency and reporting on sustainability metrics and goals. This includes disclosing environmental performance, setting targets for continuous improvement, and publishing sustainability reports that provide stakeholders with a clear understanding of the company's sustainability efforts.
  7. Industry Leadership and Collaboration: Consideration of the company's active involvement in industry-wide sustainability initiatives, partnerships, and advocacy. This includes sharing best practices, collaborating with stakeholders to drive sustainability advancements, and actively participating in industry associations or working groups.

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