Award Criteria

Icon : Innovative product of the year

Innovative product of the year

This category is designed to recognise products or solutions that have been developed for cleaning & hygiene.

The Innovative Product of the Year award recognises a groundbreaking and game-changing product in the UK cleaning and hygiene sector that has demonstrated exceptional innovation, effectiveness, and practicality. This category celebrates products that have introduced novel solutions, advanced technologies, and improved methodologies to revolutionise the industry.

Criteria for this category may include:

  1. Innovation and Uniqueness: Evaluation of the product's innovation and uniqueness in addressing a specific cleaning or hygiene challenge. This may include the introduction of new technologies, materials, or approaches that significantly improve efficiency, effectiveness, or sustainability.
  2. Performance and Effectiveness: Assessment of the product's performance and effectiveness in achieving its intended purpose. This includes measurable results, superior cleaning capabilities, and the ability to surpass existing products or methodologies in terms of quality and outcomes.
  3. Practicality and Ease of Use: Consideration of the product's practicality, user-friendliness, and ease of implementation. This includes factors such as simplicity of operation, compatibility with existing cleaning processes, and the ability to integrate seamlessly into various environments.
  4. Environmental Impact: Recognition of the product's positive impact on environmental sustainability and reduced ecological footprint. This may include factors such as energy efficiency, waste reduction, use of eco-friendly materials, or the ability to contribute to a healthier and greener cleaning and hygiene industry.
  5. Health and Safety Benefits: Assessment of the product's contribution to improving health and safety standards within the cleaning and hygiene sector. This may include features that minimise exposure to harmful chemicals, reduce the risk of accidents or injuries, or enhance overall occupant well-being.
  6. Cost-effectiveness: Evaluation of the product's cost-effectiveness and potential for long-term savings. This includes factors such as efficiency gains, reduced resource consumption, or a positive return on investment when compared to alternative products or methods.
  7. Customer Feedback and Testimonials: Consideration of customer feedback, testimonials, and endorsements regarding the product's performance and impact. This may include feedback from industry experts, end-users, or recognised authorities in the cleaning and hygiene sector.

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